Cross country skiing on wheels!
Skiking is a new and exciting dryland cross country skiing alternative. It is a fun activity for maintaining fitness, working on technique, and maybe even learning how to ski before the winter. Similar to rollerskis, Skikes can be classic or skate. The main differences are that Skikes can be used off-road and that ski boots or bindings are not required.
Explore bush tracks
With effective brakes and pneumatic tires, Skikes are the mountain bike equivalent to rollerskis. They can be used on a wide range of surfaces including asphalt, concrete, gravel, dirt tracks and even grass. Explore bush and rail trails, cruise bike and river paths, get off the beaten track and go places that are unlikely with rollerskis or inline skates.
Get involved!
Summer activities include rollerski/skike races, biathlon races and getting out on the trails for a bit of fun with a group of like minded friends. To link up with other skikers the Skike Australia blog is a good place to start.
Want to find out more?
Skike Australia is the local retailer for skikes in Australia. Check out their website as it has lots of videos and pictures which explain what skiking is all about.